Water births are a simple option for low-risk mothers with uncomplicated pregnancies.

Melahirkan anak dalam air sesuatu yang agak baru tak baru di negara kita. Kelahiran pertama melalui proses itu berlaku di Pulau Pinang pada 14 Februari tahun lepas. Kelahiran secara normal ini mungkin agak asing di Malaysia, namun ia bukan sesuatu yang baru di negara luar. Aku agak terkejut dan teruja bila membaca artikel ini di New Straits Times pagi tadi. Topik memang menarik dan ya! aku jakun bila membacanya. Kelahiran pertama di dalam air pada 24 jun lepas di Hospital Pantai Kuala Lumpur. Banyak kelebihan apabila melahirkan anak melalui proses ini berbanding proses normal ataupun pembedahan terutamanya. Ia menjadi pilhan ramai di luar negara kerana ia lebih tenang, kurang contractions, mudah dan kurang sakit.
Maka, kini Hospital Pantai Kuala Lumpur telah menyediakan proses itu, namun awas, bukan semua orang boleh bersalin dalam air sewenang-wenangnya kerana banyak syarat yang harus melayakkan seseorang individu itu bersalin dengan cara tersebut.
Mari kita baca artikel ini serba sedikit
"The water birth method is where a mother is immersed in warm water (equivalent to normal body temperature of between 35°C and 37°C) for some part or the entire part of her labour and delivery.
“Initially, when I became pregnant, I was terrified about delivery after I heard negative experiences from other women about the birthing process being extremely painful, humiliating and there being loss of control.
“Then I decided to research childbirth and discovered water births.
“The experience was described positively as being empowering with manageable pain and no loss of control for the mother.”
“I still feel contractions and pain but the process is bearable. The water birth experience is gentle and empowering for the mother.
“Where a pregnant mother finds it cumbersome to move about because of her size, she can move about easily into any position in water because of its buoyancy.”
Kelebihan-kelebihan yang lain
Apart from greater comfort and mobility, another advantage about water births is that not only do they reduce the need for drugs and intervention, they also promote relaxation and give the mother more control.
The mother has her own private, protected space which encourages an easier birth and a gentler welcome for the baby.
Other benefits are that a water birth speeds up labour, reduces high blood pressure caused by distress, perineal trauma and eliminates episiotomies.
Therefore, water births are only suitable for mothers with healthy, normal, low risk pregnancies.
Tidak disarankan :
● if the baby is in a breech position
● in the case of shoulder dystocia (when one shoulder is preventing the baby from birthing)
● the baby has an irregular heartbeat
● in cases of multiple births or IVF babies
Mothers who have undergone C-sections, have high blood pressure or other complications are also excluded.
Before you proceed...
1. Why choose water?
Appropriately heated water helps to ease the transition from the birth canal to the outside world because the warm liquid resembles the familiar intrauterine environment and softens lights, colours and sounds.
For the mother there are many benefits, most importantly pain relief. Water has the ability to soften contractions, allowing the mother to relax.
2. Discuss your plan to have a water birth with your obstetrician and gynaecologist to ensure that you are a suitable candidate and that he fully supports your decision.
If you have a normal, healthy low-risk pregnancy, there is a good chance you will be allowed to use this delivery option.
3. Visit the labour ward and discuss the option with the nurses there.
The birthing pool takes between two to three hours to prepare because it is an inflatable pool and therefore needs to be inflated as well as filled with water.
When you arrive at the labour ward you will need to be monitored for 30 minutes before you can enter the water.
4. The best time to enter the pool is when contractions are strongly established. Some recommend waiting until you are at least 5cm dilated.
5. The baby is monitored during a water birth and labour.
Water should be monitored at a temperature that is comfortable for the mother, usually between 35°C and 38°C.
6. How long will the baby stay underwater?
Many people feel comfortable with the time that it takes to reach down and pick the baby up. Any longer than that is not necessary.
7. At the third stage of labour, you will be asked to leave the pool to deliver the placenta on the bed due to the difficulty in judging blood loss in the water.
Sumber: Pantai Hospital KL and Ibu Family Resource Group
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New Straits Times
Aku macam mahu mengkaji dengan lebih dalam tentang proses ini. Berapa bayarannya aku pun tak pasti. Jika berbaloi, apa salahnya jika aku pun mahu sekali... Alhamdulillah, syarikat ini memberikan peruntukan untuk pekerja-pekerja wanitanya yang ingin bersalin di hospital swasta. Jika tidak mencukupi, tambah sedikit pun tak mengapa. Yang penting anakku dapat keluar dengan selamat, sihat dan jayanya... Tapi bila, wallahualam...insyallah.

Melahirkan anak dalam air sesuatu yang agak baru tak baru di negara kita. Kelahiran pertama melalui proses itu berlaku di Pulau Pinang pada 14 Februari tahun lepas. Kelahiran secara normal ini mungkin agak asing di Malaysia, namun ia bukan sesuatu yang baru di negara luar. Aku agak terkejut dan teruja bila membaca artikel ini di New Straits Times pagi tadi. Topik memang menarik dan ya! aku jakun bila membacanya. Kelahiran pertama di dalam air pada 24 jun lepas di Hospital Pantai Kuala Lumpur. Banyak kelebihan apabila melahirkan anak melalui proses ini berbanding proses normal ataupun pembedahan terutamanya. Ia menjadi pilhan ramai di luar negara kerana ia lebih tenang, kurang contractions, mudah dan kurang sakit.
Maka, kini Hospital Pantai Kuala Lumpur telah menyediakan proses itu, namun awas, bukan semua orang boleh bersalin dalam air sewenang-wenangnya kerana banyak syarat yang harus melayakkan seseorang individu itu bersalin dengan cara tersebut.
Mari kita baca artikel ini serba sedikit
"The water birth method is where a mother is immersed in warm water (equivalent to normal body temperature of between 35°C and 37°C) for some part or the entire part of her labour and delivery.
“Initially, when I became pregnant, I was terrified about delivery after I heard negative experiences from other women about the birthing process being extremely painful, humiliating and there being loss of control.
“Then I decided to research childbirth and discovered water births.
“The experience was described positively as being empowering with manageable pain and no loss of control for the mother.”
“I still feel contractions and pain but the process is bearable. The water birth experience is gentle and empowering for the mother.
“Where a pregnant mother finds it cumbersome to move about because of her size, she can move about easily into any position in water because of its buoyancy.”
Kelebihan-kelebihan yang lain
Apart from greater comfort and mobility, another advantage about water births is that not only do they reduce the need for drugs and intervention, they also promote relaxation and give the mother more control.
The mother has her own private, protected space which encourages an easier birth and a gentler welcome for the baby.
Other benefits are that a water birth speeds up labour, reduces high blood pressure caused by distress, perineal trauma and eliminates episiotomies.
Therefore, water births are only suitable for mothers with healthy, normal, low risk pregnancies.
Tidak disarankan :
● if the baby is in a breech position
● in the case of shoulder dystocia (when one shoulder is preventing the baby from birthing)
● the baby has an irregular heartbeat
● in cases of multiple births or IVF babies
Mothers who have undergone C-sections, have high blood pressure or other complications are also excluded.
Before you proceed...
1. Why choose water?
Appropriately heated water helps to ease the transition from the birth canal to the outside world because the warm liquid resembles the familiar intrauterine environment and softens lights, colours and sounds.
For the mother there are many benefits, most importantly pain relief. Water has the ability to soften contractions, allowing the mother to relax.
2. Discuss your plan to have a water birth with your obstetrician and gynaecologist to ensure that you are a suitable candidate and that he fully supports your decision.
If you have a normal, healthy low-risk pregnancy, there is a good chance you will be allowed to use this delivery option.
3. Visit the labour ward and discuss the option with the nurses there.
The birthing pool takes between two to three hours to prepare because it is an inflatable pool and therefore needs to be inflated as well as filled with water.
When you arrive at the labour ward you will need to be monitored for 30 minutes before you can enter the water.
4. The best time to enter the pool is when contractions are strongly established. Some recommend waiting until you are at least 5cm dilated.
5. The baby is monitored during a water birth and labour.
Water should be monitored at a temperature that is comfortable for the mother, usually between 35°C and 38°C.
6. How long will the baby stay underwater?
Many people feel comfortable with the time that it takes to reach down and pick the baby up. Any longer than that is not necessary.
7. At the third stage of labour, you will be asked to leave the pool to deliver the placenta on the bed due to the difficulty in judging blood loss in the water.
Sumber: Pantai Hospital KL and Ibu Family Resource Group
Untuk lebih info sila klik
New Straits Times
Aku macam mahu mengkaji dengan lebih dalam tentang proses ini. Berapa bayarannya aku pun tak pasti. Jika berbaloi, apa salahnya jika aku pun mahu sekali... Alhamdulillah, syarikat ini memberikan peruntukan untuk pekerja-pekerja wanitanya yang ingin bersalin di hospital swasta. Jika tidak mencukupi, tambah sedikit pun tak mengapa. Yang penting anakku dapat keluar dengan selamat, sihat dan jayanya... Tapi bila, wallahualam...insyallah.
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